My name is Denice, and I came to the food bank to supplement my food needs. They give out a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. We really appreciate that, myself and my family, and we’ve been coming here for about four or five months now. Our finances aren’t very well. My sister doesn’t work, and her two children live with me and I’m on social security disability. My sister’s been looking for work for over four years, and she has job skills. She has a real estate license and she’s looking for work, I mean for four years. It’s ridiculous. And I can’t work; I’m on disability. I was in a car accident, a really bad one, where I broke my neck and my back. So, it’s not like I can go out and work. I used to be a nurse, and now look, I’m here at a food bank. So, it can happen to anyone. It really can. And you never know when you’re going to need food.
Because we are hungry, we don’t buy the fresh fruits and vegetables, and we live off the stuff that isn’t good for you, the ready-made food that you add water to. And my cholesterol is up, so now hopefully on this program I’ll be getting the fresh fruits and vegetables and my cholesterol will go down.
This program, it’s been a real godsend. It really helps out with our family needs. The fresh fruits and vegetables and other things that they give out here, I mean we couldn’t replace it. We just don’t have the money. I’m on a limited income, and you just don’t realize how hard it is living on $1,000 a month, you know? You just can’t do it.
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“I’m on disability. I was in a car accident, where I broke my neck and my back. So, it’s not like I can go out and work. I used to be a nurse, and now look, I’m here at a food bank.”