My name is Becky Gilbert and I’m here as a volunteer. I’ve been volunteering for about three years, and I enjoy coming and giving information about the food and sharing with the people here. I feel like I’ve been very lucky in my life, and so if there is somebody that I can help out, I feel like this is a great organization to work with. And the difference about this food bank and other ones is other ones, a lot of times it’s less impersonal, handing things through a window, prepackaged stuff versus here where it’s a lot of fresh produce, and being able to interact and share with people how I like to cook things and stuff like that.
I remember one time I was outside a grocery store, and a man with this young child had lost his job and had three more kids. They were living at a motel room. And he was very grateful that I had told him about this. He said any little thing could help. So, the fact that he could come here and get so much produce and all of that, he was very, very grateful.
House prices are going up. Other things are costing so much. A lot of people are living paycheck-to-paycheck. And while they’re trying, they can’t necessarily make ends meet. Everybody has hard times, and so I want people to understand just because you’re using the food bank doesn’t make you any less of a person or a human being. That you’re still a good person, and you just might need a little help right now.
I think more people need to stop turning a blind eye that there are people in need, and offer them advice or assistance, telling them “You can come here. There are other organizations like Loaves and Fishes. You can get help, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.”
This has been a great organization to volunteer for and it’s made me want to continue. You know, I didn’t use this for service hours or anything. I did this because I think that everybody if you’re fortunate enough should give back.
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Becky Gilbert
“I think more people need to stop turning a blind eye that there are people in need and offer them advice or assistance, telling them there is nothing to be ashamed of.”